Bilge Küçüker

Lisans eğitimini Aydın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik Anabilim Dalında 2014 yılında tamamlamıştır. Hemen ardından Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Aile Danışmanlığı Yüksek Lisans Programı’nda sınav kaygısı, mükemmeliyetçi kişilik özellikleri ve anne baba tutumları konuları ile tezini vererek yüksek lisansını tamamlamış aynı zamanda bu alanda uzmanlığını almıştır. Öğrencilik yıllarında TGEV’ de Düşler Atölyesi eğitim programına ve YÖRET’ te Psikodrama ve Sosyodrama eğitimlerine katılmış, çalışmaya başladığı ilk yıllarda da Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Derneği’ nde Akran Süpervizyonları ve Travma Perspektifinde Psikopatoloji ve EMDR eğitimlerini tamamlamıştır. 2017’den beri okulumuz ortaokul kademesinde Psikolojik Danışman olarak görev yapmaktadır.


The English project presentations made by Private Mürüvvet Evyap Secondary School 5th Grade students to their parents were held in an entertaining way under the name of “English Project Fest” event. Our students completed their project presentations in an interactive manner with the parents.It was pleasing that the event had a festival atmosphere.We would like […]

Another Achievement in Athletics 

Baran Kaan Tunçay, a student from our school in class 10-A, has secured 3rd place in the Turkey High School Athletics 100m Championship in the Youth B category, organized by school sports. We congratulate our student and wish him continued success.

We returned with a Cup and a Medal Our school’s canoe team, formed by our students, won 3rd place in the Canoe Race for High Schools in the 19th May Cup, organized jointly by the Sarıyer District Sports Directorate and Sarıyer Municipality. We congratulate our students and wish them continued success.  

On May 7, 2024, at the Istanbul Equestrian Sports Club, our 4th grade students Işıl Grace Connolly and İdil Alice Connolly achieved outstanding results in the interschool Vaulting Gymnastics competition. Işıl Grace Connolly placed 1st and İdil Alice Connolly placed 4th. We congratulate our students and wish them continued success.


Our 5th, 6th and 7th grade students achieved significant success based on their performance in the Highlights Library and News-0-Matic Online application.The purpose of the competition; To encourage reading habits and enhance creativity.According to the competition results; Alp AZUM, our 6th grade student, ranked first, Deniz TÜRKMEN ranked second, Our third place students are; Ahmet […]

🌟 We hosted a German Language Quiz event with our 9th-grade students at Özel Mürüvvet Evyap College and Science High School. Our students had a blast reinforcing everything they have learnt so far and enjoyed some delightful moments during the competition. The competition concluded with the victory of 9A class. 🏆 📚✨

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